Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I believe that the qualities necessary in order for the accomplishment of the project is teamwork,responsibility,honesty and determination.

Teamwork is needed to accomplish tasks with the help of teamates as some things may not be completed alone and help is needed,`Two hands are better than one' - quoted from Nicholas.

Responsiblity is also needed in life as it is important to own up one's mistakes and not tell a lie or ignore it.We bonded together by helping each other with tasks given and we enjoyed ourselves as we felt that we had accomplished something which would not be done without the help of each other.

Determination is also needed as it drives us to our goal and successfully finish it.These qualities not only help us in our studies,but is also helpful in life.

Honesty is also needed as it is important to own up our mistakes and enable others to help us solve it.It is important to own up our mistakes to learn from it.

I enjoyed the part of the process where we had to paint the painting as it was quite difficult as the wall had an uneven surface and some bumps along it.We had to paste masking tape along the edges of some drawngs and carefully use the smaller brushes to paint the edges to avoid making any mistakes as we knew that it was no chance for any error.However we accidentally dripped some paint on another part of the painting.To err is human;to forgive,divine,we were forgiven on our mistake but we had to `touch up' the area.

Done by Sean Tan Jun Hui,2E1


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