Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Schedule for National Day Rehearsals and Actual Day

Hi all,

This is the schedule for National Day Celebrations for concert at hall on 8th August.

Rehearsals: 3rd (3pm to 5pm) and 5th August (2.30pm to 4.30pm)
(Those on duty please be present half hour before the rehearsals to setup the equipment. Look for Ms Nurmin / Ms Ahny)

Person(s) in Charge
Time (inclusive of introduction of item)
Syazwan (and Nina-- to be confirmed) 
8.30 – 8.35
5 minutes
Ethnic Dance Item
Ms Haryani
8.35 – 8.45
10 minutes
International Students’ Sharing Part 1
Students from Korea sharing experiences in and thoughts on Singapore
- Kim Hyon Ju (1A2) will also perform a piano solo
Mrs Wong Ming Yi
8.45 – 8.55
10 minutes
Freestyle Dance Item
Lutfil (Talentime 2011 Winner)
Ms Joyce
8.55 – 9.05
10 minutes
International Students’ Sharing Part 2
Students from Hong Kong sharing experiences in and thoughts on Singapore
- Aggie Wu (2A3) will sing in Cantonese and English
Mrs Wong Ming Yi
9.05 – 9.15
10 minutes
National Day 2011 School Video
- of S1 collages, and interviews with S1 students on what the Singapore Spirit means to them
Mr Joe
9.15 – 9.25
10 minutes
Modern Dance Item
Ms Catherine
9.25 – 9.35
10 minutes
Sing-Along led by Talentime Runners-Up Hidayu and Insyirah leading, with 5 singers from the choir
3 Songs: Where I Belong, Home, Stand Up for Singapore
+ 2011 NDP Song: In A Heartbeat 
Ms Joyce

9.35 – 9.55
20 minutes
for all competitions that took place leading up to the day’s celebrations
Mrs Wong Ming Yi
9.55 – 10.15
20 minutes
Technical Support
Mr Lee, Ms Nurmin, Ms Ahny, Mr Victor, AV Team
Total Estimated Time:
1hr 45 mintues

Committee Members, please pass to Ms Nurmin or Mr Victor Lam the duty name list for event by this Friday and inform the duty members. Thank you!

1 comment:

Kenny said...

What time must we come? From Kenny