Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Schedule for National Day Rehearsals and Actual Day

Hi all,

This is the schedule for National Day Celebrations for concert at hall on 8th August.

Rehearsals: 3rd (3pm to 5pm) and 5th August (2.30pm to 4.30pm)
(Those on duty please be present half hour before the rehearsals to setup the equipment. Look for Ms Nurmin / Ms Ahny)

Person(s) in Charge
Time (inclusive of introduction of item)
Syazwan (and Nina-- to be confirmed) 
8.30 – 8.35
5 minutes
Ethnic Dance Item
Ms Haryani
8.35 – 8.45
10 minutes
International Students’ Sharing Part 1
Students from Korea sharing experiences in and thoughts on Singapore
- Kim Hyon Ju (1A2) will also perform a piano solo
Mrs Wong Ming Yi
8.45 – 8.55
10 minutes
Freestyle Dance Item
Lutfil (Talentime 2011 Winner)
Ms Joyce
8.55 – 9.05
10 minutes
International Students’ Sharing Part 2
Students from Hong Kong sharing experiences in and thoughts on Singapore
- Aggie Wu (2A3) will sing in Cantonese and English
Mrs Wong Ming Yi
9.05 – 9.15
10 minutes
National Day 2011 School Video
- of S1 collages, and interviews with S1 students on what the Singapore Spirit means to them
Mr Joe
9.15 – 9.25
10 minutes
Modern Dance Item
Ms Catherine
9.25 – 9.35
10 minutes
Sing-Along led by Talentime Runners-Up Hidayu and Insyirah leading, with 5 singers from the choir
3 Songs: Where I Belong, Home, Stand Up for Singapore
+ 2011 NDP Song: In A Heartbeat 
Ms Joyce

9.35 – 9.55
20 minutes
for all competitions that took place leading up to the day’s celebrations
Mrs Wong Ming Yi
9.55 – 10.15
20 minutes
Technical Support
Mr Lee, Ms Nurmin, Ms Ahny, Mr Victor, AV Team
Total Estimated Time:
1hr 45 mintues

Committee Members, please pass to Ms Nurmin or Mr Victor Lam the duty name list for event by this Friday and inform the duty members. Thank you!

Reminder: Use of school keys and AV duties matter

Dear members,

This is a reminder for every student doing AV duties (Morning duties, Hall Assemblies, etc) to do the following:

- Do only draw the keys (AV cabinet, Backstage, Control Room) out from the office no more than half hour before the duty starts.

- To go to the hall for AV duty 30 minutes before assembly starts. (unless you have a test or something very important during that time. Do inform your other duty members about it beforehand.)

- Inform ASAP to Mr Lee Liang Huat for any faulty equipment or additional equipment needed but not present. Alternatively let Mr Lee Kwei Wei or Mr Victor Lam know.

- Make sure all CDs and equipment are placed back to original location after use. (so that the next group on duty knows where to find them)

- Return the keys back to the drawer in the general office after everything is packed up. (DO NOT BRING HOME!!!)

We need all members to help make sure all these are done so that we are supporting one another.

Mr Lam

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Portrait photography tips from YouTube

Hi all,

I'm sharing these videos from YouTube. Hopefully it will help you to take better portrait pictures.

Tips on portrait photography

Shooting groups in a studio

How to take great portrait shots

Thursday, July 7, 2011

New photography project for Damai Sec

I will be working on a photography project for the month of July and August. I need to form a group of experienced school photographers (3-4) to help me with this project. These photographers will need to take photos meant for our new school banners, revamp school website and for any slides for teachers and staff to use for presentation. They need to be professionally taken.

The tasks for this group are:
- to take photos of students and teachers in their teaching and learning environment;
- to take photos of students participating in their CCA portraying teamwork, concentration and enthusiasm;
- to select the list of photos for the project;
- to work with Mr Ho in 'beautifying' the chosen photos before archiving them.
(We should be looking at about 35-45 professionally taken photographs)

Any member who feels that he/she is able to do the job well, please approach me and let me know as we need to quickly plan out what needs to be done within these 2 months. Let me know by next Friday (17 July)

Mr Lam