Thursday, February 11, 2010

Student Trainers needed for training of Sec 1 and 2 Class AV rep

We need 4 student trainers (can be sec 2-5) to help train the Sec 1 and 2 Class AV reps this month on 25th of Feb (during CCA day). The AV reps will be trained in using our classroom equipment, the visualizer, and general maintenance of the equipment.

Those who are interested please let Aiman know by next week.

Mr Lam

Cancellation of Upper Sec Song Dedication Segment @ Canteen

It has come to my attention that there are some upper sec students who disrupted Wednesday's operation. These students 'took over' the DJ stations and played their own songs.
Because of this, I have informed the upper sec team to cancel today's song dedication segment. Only the lower sec recess segment will go on.
They are not appreciative so they do not get any...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Valentine's Day Song Dedication (Wed & Thu)

Media Club will be running a 'Valentine's Day Song Dedication' tomorrow and on Thursday during both upper and lower secondary recess period.

Do support and help out our members who are on duty on those days. They may not have time to have their food and drinks during recess.

CNY Rehearsal Schedule (Latest)

Members involved in the CNY rehearsal tomorrow afternoon. Please check the most updated schedule below. I've send an email informing your subject teachers that you can only be released for early lunch at 2.15pm.
Please make sure that the team members are at the hall by 2.45pm. Aiman, pls check and ensure all present.
Thank you all!

Monday, February 8, 2010

CCA meetings-

There's no robotics meeting this coming thursday [11FEB2010] but photography is still on.
Next week, due to Chinese New Year celebrations, cca will be cancelled and resume the following week.
-From Lesze :D

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Chinese New Year Schedule

Members involve in next week's rehearsal and actual day please take note of the programme and what you have to do at that time.  Rehearsal will start at 3pm. The timing in the prgramme states the actual day's timing. Aiman, please make arrangement and ensure your team knows what to do at each performance.

I'll send out an email for the members involve to be excused (unless you have a test) on Wednesday after 2pm so that you can go for your lunch.

Thank you AV team!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

CNY Duty


Monday, February 1, 2010

Chinese New Year photography duty

This is the people who will be on photography duty on the 10 of February and the 12 of February for the Chinese New Year Celebration.
